The Ohm Collection connects with local businesses that share like-minded goals, which is why we’ve partnered with Netherlands-based company, Butterwise, to source fairtrade and organic baobab oil from West Africa. Baobab oil is our carrier oil of choice for all five Ohm Essence Roll-ons, touting the added benefit of micronutrient polyphenol among other skin nutritive vitamins and minerals.

Butterwise sources its oil directly from an amazing project in Ghana called the Savannah Fruits Company, which collaborates with nearly 10,000 Ghanaian women from local communities and women’s organizations in harvesting and traditional processing. Seeing through every step of production, women from rural villages are provided a means of achieving success in their own backyards. The ethical fairtrade label highlights sustainable rural development: these communities see the profits from their work directly. Unlike industrialized, factory-based models, the cultural and social continuity of these villages can sustain themselves.

Traditional agroforestry farming systems that have been practiced for thousands of years are given a means to continue, and engage youth who would otherwise move to cities in search of work. Old, diseased and unproductive baobab trees get used as biofuel, in construction projects, and everyday household items like mortars and pestles. Through sourcing from Butterwise, we are excited to participate in sustainable development near and far, and collaborate on these exciting initiatives.